
Some of my favorite pieces of advice for Mamas to be: bring an empty tote bag to the hospital with you!


Every shift change, ask your nurse for more diapers, formula, wipes, pads for you, underwear for you, tucks pads, etc ... Anything you could possibly think of and stash it in your empty tote bag. Pretend like you ran out of everything and you need moreeeee. You're not taking away from other moms or babies. Your insurance is paying for these supplies so stock up what you can.


Be your own advocate!


If you don't like how a nurse is treating you, you have EVERY right to ask for a reassignment. Don't be shy or afraid. You are at the most vulnerable point in your life after having a baby and you DESERVE someone to treat you with respect.


Who YOU want in the delivery room is who should be there. You make the rules! 


Hospital visitors? Totally optional!


You just had a baby. You're exhausted. Hospital staff are coming in and out of your room the entire time you're there. You need to bond with your baby. If you don't want visitors at the hospital, then you tell everyone that you would like the time to bond with your new baby and visits can be done when you get home.


This is about YOU and YOUR baby. You grew this perfect little human in your belly and the first few days are exhausting but the most beautiful. Take your time mama. Once you hold that baby you will never be the same and it's 100% for the better. ❤️


Photo of my sweet Joseph 1 day old ❤️ I took this picture of him on my pillow case (from my own pillow that I brought because the hospital ones are flat and uncomfortable) 


BUT! Here it is! 


My "Master" Hospital bag checklist ✔️


•Comfy clothes/going home outfit for you


•Toiletries.... Do not forget your deodorant 🤣




•Your own Pillow


•Your own towels 




•Hair ties


•Slippers or slipper socks


•Long ass phone charger like 10ft (seriously) the outlets are never close enough to the beds


•Mild lotion hand/face 


•I brought my own big insulated water cup to keep filling up on iced water 


•A mini fan helped sooo much


•An empty tote bag to bring home the extra stuff! Ask your nurses every shift for a pack of diapers and anything else you need!!! We hid a lot of stuff in the closet in our room so they would keep bringing diapers 😂 and ice pads/tucks pads. I hoarded those.


•SNACKS/drinks you will be hungry lol


•If you have a support person staying with you they will need their clothes and toiletries pillow etc... But make sure they pack their necessary medications or anything else they think they may need like Pepto or Tylenol. Nurses aren't allowed to dispense medications to non-patients even if it's just Tylenol.


•Baby needs a going home outfit and your preference if you want to pack some extra clothing and/or blankets for baby. 


•The hospital washes their blankets and little baby gowns in such harsh sanitizing detergent that it can make brand new baby skin break out a bit. 


•If baby has a special blanket or stuffed animal for hospital pictures bring that too! 


•If you plan to use pacifiers bring one of those too. 


DO NOT FORGET THE CARSEAT. You will not be able to leave the hospital without it!



On today's episode of
"Shit My Toddler Does"

This child decided to climb on a chair and sample the cat's food. Why? I feed you!!! 😩


Magda Gerber was a well-known child therapist and infant specialist. A very intelligent woman whose goal was for others to acknowledge infants as whole people from birth; that they deserve the respect and recognition as any other person. The website I am posting tells her story and highlights her accomplishments. An inspiration to say the least!

🐝 🐝 🐝




A popular debate amongst mom groups....

Ear Piercings.

Piercing Gun vs. Needle. 

Piercing guns are spring loaded plastic mechanisms in which you load the stud earring and then released tearing into the earlobe using blunt force trauma. These piercings are easily infected if not cleaned properly and take longer to heal since it is pushing tissues through with the stud. 

Piercing needles are sterile hollow needles used to cleanly puncture through the earlobe not tearing the flesh. These piercings heal faster. 

Research research research!

🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝

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